Castro Street Fair - Känsliga besökare varnas!!!
The plan, yesterday, was to go to the Norweigan church for a sunday meeting and then a following international sing-a-long. But we woke up late (correction: Kirsten woke up late, I had sat my alarm), so we got to SF around 11.30 or 12.00. Although we would miss the sunday meeting, we still wanted to go to the sing-a-long, to meet some scandinavian people, and 'cuz Trund (Norweigan worker at the church) is really good at piano (we herd that when we went there last friday).
But we changed our minds, and decided that we wanted to explore some parts of San Francisco where we havent been before. So we took Muni (a train) for the first time and went to Castro. That is the gay area here in SF and people have told us that we have to go there, and the poeple there should be very nice, even for non-gay people :) But we got a real shock when we entered the Castro streets, because it was a big festival going on there, that we had no idea of! They call it Castro Street Fair. We got to see something we've never seen before! It was unbelieveble.. There you could see all the prejudice in real! All the things that you think about gaypeople is true! But we could also see a lot of gaypeople that just looked like you and me, young, old, handsome, not so handsome... ;-) It was really interesting! Kirsten took a lot of pictures, so Im thinking of putting them on my blog, but I dont know ye, some people may get offended by them.
The streets were crowded! And now we know were all the cute guys are in San Francisco; they are in Castro and they are gay! Now I know that it is true what people use to say; all the cute guys are married or gay! There were a lot of nice performances on the streets too. On some places they played music, and you could dance. At one place there were a team of cheerleading, there were clowns, there were games were you could win a cake, and there was some really good dancers and singers on stage!
When we felt that we had had enough of Castro and the crowd there, we took Muni and then Bart to Emeryville. The plan was to meet up with Gaby there, but unfortunately I couldnt reach her, so instead we went to a ice cream store; Cold Stone. I love ice cream!! :D And they had some really good there, I bought Strawberry blonde.. Mmmm! You should really taste it! =D And then we listened to some live performances. There was a group of guys who played Elvis songs and they were really good! :)
Before we took the bus home, we stopped by IKEA to buy some swedish candies =) Mmm...marabou! And when we entered the shop, there was this great smell that I just couldn't resist: the smell of kanelbullar!! So I just had to buy one. I can't believe that Kirsten doesn't like kanel! Kanelbullarna was a little bit bigger than Im used to though...
But it tasted sooo good! =)
Then we took the bus home, and were just relaxing in Kirsten's room the rest of the day.
I've made up my mind, I really want to show you some pictures from yesterday, but close your eyes if you know that you are sensitive or easily offended!!

So what do you think of the pictures? ;-) Me and Kirsten were really amazed about the way people dressed and the things they were selling, and the whole atmosphere. But Sana (Kirsten's hostmum) told us that this Castro Street Fair is a very light and nice festival, compare to a lot of other festivals in the city, that could be really crazy.
I have notised that I've become better in english since I got here, and that is fun! For example, I've allways thought that it is easier to speak than to read. When I read something in english I need to read the same lines a few times, to understand what it says. But a couple of days ago I bought a magazine here, and notised that it was really easy to read it! =D I guess it's because these days Im even thinking in english!
So, this was yesterday... Now Im off to the grass area around Mills college with Kirsten and the boys. See you later!
Puss o kram//Carin
But we changed our minds, and decided that we wanted to explore some parts of San Francisco where we havent been before. So we took Muni (a train) for the first time and went to Castro. That is the gay area here in SF and people have told us that we have to go there, and the poeple there should be very nice, even for non-gay people :) But we got a real shock when we entered the Castro streets, because it was a big festival going on there, that we had no idea of! They call it Castro Street Fair. We got to see something we've never seen before! It was unbelieveble.. There you could see all the prejudice in real! All the things that you think about gaypeople is true! But we could also see a lot of gaypeople that just looked like you and me, young, old, handsome, not so handsome... ;-) It was really interesting! Kirsten took a lot of pictures, so Im thinking of putting them on my blog, but I dont know ye, some people may get offended by them.
The streets were crowded! And now we know were all the cute guys are in San Francisco; they are in Castro and they are gay! Now I know that it is true what people use to say; all the cute guys are married or gay! There were a lot of nice performances on the streets too. On some places they played music, and you could dance. At one place there were a team of cheerleading, there were clowns, there were games were you could win a cake, and there was some really good dancers and singers on stage!
When we felt that we had had enough of Castro and the crowd there, we took Muni and then Bart to Emeryville. The plan was to meet up with Gaby there, but unfortunately I couldnt reach her, so instead we went to a ice cream store; Cold Stone. I love ice cream!! :D And they had some really good there, I bought Strawberry blonde.. Mmmm! You should really taste it! =D And then we listened to some live performances. There was a group of guys who played Elvis songs and they were really good! :)
Before we took the bus home, we stopped by IKEA to buy some swedish candies =) Mmm...marabou! And when we entered the shop, there was this great smell that I just couldn't resist: the smell of kanelbullar!! So I just had to buy one. I can't believe that Kirsten doesn't like kanel! Kanelbullarna was a little bit bigger than Im used to though...

Then we took the bus home, and were just relaxing in Kirsten's room the rest of the day.
I've made up my mind, I really want to show you some pictures from yesterday, but close your eyes if you know that you are sensitive or easily offended!!

So what do you think of the pictures? ;-) Me and Kirsten were really amazed about the way people dressed and the things they were selling, and the whole atmosphere. But Sana (Kirsten's hostmum) told us that this Castro Street Fair is a very light and nice festival, compare to a lot of other festivals in the city, that could be really crazy.
I have notised that I've become better in english since I got here, and that is fun! For example, I've allways thought that it is easier to speak than to read. When I read something in english I need to read the same lines a few times, to understand what it says. But a couple of days ago I bought a magazine here, and notised that it was really easy to read it! =D I guess it's because these days Im even thinking in english!
So, this was yesterday... Now Im off to the grass area around Mills college with Kirsten and the boys. See you later!
Puss o kram//Carin