En mamma ~30 står på tunnelbanan med sin dotter ~4 i barnvagn. Dottern har gnällt och vridit sig i vagnen under några minuter.
Mamman: Men Lisa, sluta bråka nu, nu har du verkligen inte varit ett föredöme för din generation.

Gissa vem?
Jag knyter mina skor
Jag fäller upp min krage så den blir stor
Jag går omkring funderar på var hon bor
och vad hon gör
Det verkar som om stan
sett annorlunda ut mest hela da'n
Jag går omkring här ensam utan plan
Helt utanför
Och det är höst och ganska kallt
Men det är solsken där hon går
Hon sprider solsken över allt
Tell me
Im living my life in bright blue colors
Im living my life with you
You tell me everytin' is gonna be OK
everytin' is gonna be fine
So what happend?
What made us loose the track?
I see light far far away
Something is disturbing me
Something is blocking the way
You know what it is
I know what it is
But I dont understand
So what happend
What made us loose the track?
You tell me you can't do anyting
You tell me you have no choice
I see it differently
There is a way
It won't be easy
It won't be fair
But it is a way
Why is so much disturbance going on?
Why is the sky dark?
Life should be easy
Life should be joy
So tell me what happend
Tell me what's wrong
Tell me why we can't be happy
Tell me what's going on
Im living my life with you
You tell me everytin' is gonna be OK
everytin' is gonna be fine
So what happend?
What made us loose the track?
I see light far far away
Something is disturbing me
Something is blocking the way
You know what it is
I know what it is
But I dont understand
So what happend
What made us loose the track?
You tell me you can't do anyting
You tell me you have no choice
I see it differently
There is a way
It won't be easy
It won't be fair
But it is a way
Why is so much disturbance going on?
Why is the sky dark?
Life should be easy
Life should be joy
So tell me what happend
Tell me what's wrong
Tell me why we can't be happy
Tell me what's going on